May 4, 2022

What Is Contextual Targeting?

Contextual targeting is the process of reaching audiences with ads that are relevant to the content they’re already consuming.

Contextual targeting is different from behavioral targeting, which is the process of targeting audiences based on their past activities and shopping habits.

What is an example of contextual targeting?

Contextual targeting comes in many forms. A sneaker brand, for example, might launch a video on a running blog, reaching readers who are already interested in and engaging with fitness content. Or a headphones retailer company might distribute native ads within a publisher newsletter about music.

Why is contextual targeting important?

Contextual targeting is important because it allows advertisers and publishers to deliver more personalized, relevant experiences to their audiences. This kind of personalization can help increase engagement, clicks, conversions, and revenue. Contextual targeting is also a more privacy-friendly strategy that will be increasingly valuable to advertisers as they prepare for the death of the third-party cookie.

How does contextual targeting work?​​

Advertisers can launch contextually targeted campaigns through marketing automation platforms. These platforms use AI-based algorithms and real-time data to match ads with relevant content keywords, helping brands deliver timely and personalized experiences for their consumers.