November 17, 2020

A Complete Multichannel Messaging Platform

Jeeng’s CEO, Jeff Kupietzky, recently published a new article on Martech Zone!

In the article, he discusses how the Jeeng multichannel messaging platform helps marketers overcome challenges regarding privacy vs. personalization by enabling them to deliver the right content, to the right person, at the right time, over the right— fully opt-in — channel.

He started out explaining how people today expect to receive only the most relevant content, customized to their interests. But meeting those expectations is becoming increasingly difficult, as reactions to data privacy concerns make it harder to collect the information needed to personalize that content.

The best way for marketers to work around this is to rely on email addresses — not cookies — as the unique identifier for their audiences.

As Jeff explains in the article, email is:

  • Opt-in — meaning people sign up to receive content and notifications
  • Gives marketers the ability to track user behavior across different devices and channels
  • More accurate than cookies, as it is unique to each individual user and unlikely to change

Why Use a Multichannel Messaging Platform?

According to Jeff, there are 2 main reasons marketers need a multichannel messaging platform :

  1. To manage content personalization, distribution, and monetization across channels
  2. To get your brand in front of a highly targeted and engaged audience

As audiences expect more from marketers in terms of personalization and custom-curated content, platforms like Jeeng provide the AI and automation that can allow us to achieve those high standards at scale. And, by giving our audiences more of what they want, we can build a stronger, more engaged relationship that drives loyalty and revenue.

Want to learn more? Read the full article here.

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